Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] Users-admin

> <Arturo> I acknowledge the fact that users-admin is in some kind of
> transition face, and that I hadn't seen the tool for some time, so this

True, this was my first commit with new stuff and wasn't even meant to be
error free/finished.

> - Multiple error messages

Good point, I'll fix that asap.

> - Profiles tab v.s. profiles button
> Anna asked where to put the profiles gui. I didn't knew back then
> where to put it. We think it is best as it is in the mockup, to have
> a profiles button in the users tab which will be displayed when the
> advanced mode is selected. It works better than the tab. Also the button
> should only be shown in adv. mode.

That's what I did! exactly like it is in the mockup! Profiles have their
own tab on the main window. I don't care much where they are, but I do
care about re-making it for the third time.

> - The new icons
> The icon in the profiles dialog conflicts with the icon un the users
> tab of the main dialog. They both represent the same idea but they
> look completelly different, this might be a temp icon i don't know.

Huh? Every tab has it's own picture, I think having THE SAME picture on
two different tabs would be confusing.

> Other glitches include wrong sized spin buttons, badly aligned icons
> (profiles wrench) and labels that say "anna's password" and "I don't have
> any interesting to say today".
> Even if it is just a test, we should try to make them look the best
> possible in these trivial matters.

Agreed, but I think it's more important to have something done than making
perfect wording and then commit. If I'd have done like that, You wouldn't
even have anything to critisize.

> What I am also thinking is that we are trying to be economic, regarding
> the way we add options to the dialogs. Maybe we should try with completly
> different designs for basic and advanced mode, so we give the best
> interface for the advanced casee and for the beginner case (I'm thinking
> about the dialogs only, not the whole  frontend).


> Plese note that changing (AGAIN) is not only the result
> of not thinking about it before implementing it but sometimes
> you need to click the actual program to find this problems.

Come on Chema! Redesign everything again???? 90% of code is in dialogs,
main window is just dumb shell with couple of callbacks. We have
redesigned it for almost half of year. What's worst about it is that none
of the designs have finished, we alwaus come up with new and
"better" solution. 

I really don't feel like I have any opinion at all on how thigs should
be. Most of the changes are just the vision on how Chema sees it. Let me
explain my opinion:

I didn't think the idea of druid is good. I got my way for two weeks. Now
we have druid with two pages, one for username other for password (without
an option for random pwd even). Is it really more simple now? Is it more
simple than asking users name from dialog, and after OK pop up the
question dialog asking for password? Isn't druid meant for entering
tree-like data and making sure all fields get inserted?

Now I know Chema didn't like Profiles in it's own tab on main window. I
implemented exactly from Anna's mockup, and voila, I have to redesign it
to put them in dialog. Why dialog? We already have a dialog to edit
profiles, why profiles can't be on the main dialog? Is it really more
confusing for ADVANCED user to click on notebook tab than on the
button? I really preffer tabbed windows with ONE main window than
glade-like applications with tens of windows wasting my desktop.

Of course, I could be wrong. No doubt about that, but:

* I'm asked designing something. I waste my time thinking about it,
implementing it and it gets rejected.
* I never get better explanation to changes than "it's better this way"
* After a week or two I'll get new instructions that old way sucks, let's
make new one. Why should I think next time that "this time it's final,
it's good, it'll stay this way" ????

We haven't reached anywhere in SO long time. Let's just have it the way it
is for a while? It's user administration program after all! Our main
target (new users) don't need it that much? it's not that hard to enter
`adduser me; passwd me`. But it IS hard for them to configure X for
example. It IS hard to get sound working. We shouln't waste our time
redesigning users tool in every two weeks.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

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