Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] Anna's changes?

hi guys, 

yeah, I went on a colon removing, left-aligning spree for a while
there...mostly, i sent changes to the people responsible for the
particular tools, ie, Francis for the user tool. then, redcarpet
took over my life again. :/ the red carpet beta deadline is jan 15;
after that (knock on wood) i'll be switching teams to be a 
permanent member of the core desktop team, and will be able to
give our beloved tools my undivided attention. 

i did not, however, just commit changes to cvs. i can do this
in the future -- i was afraid of stepping on other people's feet. :)
if no one minds me committing cosmetic changes to their tools,
then i will be happy to do so in the future. 

anyway. i hear that at least some of you will be making your
way to boston very soon-- i look forward to meeting you.

take care. 

On Fri, 12 Jan 2001, Arturo Espinosa Aldama wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Hans Petter Jansson wrote:
> > > I don't get it. Was it my imaginnation, or Anna said she had changed label
> > > justification and removed colons (:) all over the place? Did she commit
> > > her changes?
> > 
> > Yes, she mentioned it. But I'm not quite sure if she's finished.
> > 
> > 
> > > I'm taking new screenshots at the moment.
> > 
> > For the public web pages?
> Right. For, but we can include them
> in the main page. These are under request from Tigert for the LWE
> presentation.
> Arturo
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