initing the db

ok so i build everything up to pet with minor issues but no big deal. So i set the PGDATA variable to ~/.storagedb and ran initdb all went well. Next i copied and pasted that postmaster command initdb throughs out at you to run the db (i guess) and finally i ran from the storage cvs dir and get this junk:
[bordoley localhost create-storage-db]$ sh
psql: FATAL:  user "bordoley" does not exist
dropdb: database removal failed
psql: FATAL:  user "bordoley" does not exist
createdb: database creation failed
psql: FATAL:  Database "gargamel" does not exist in the system catalog.
[bordoley localhost create-storage-db]$ any suggestions for getting this to work (adding this how to do this to the readme would be pretty cool too. oh and I kept on getting compiling errors with libicu (i think there was some problem parsing ja.txt, but luckily i found some rpms to get over this hurdle).

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