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- From: "Ayo Forde" <fordea0 cs man ac uk>
- To: <seth gnome org>
- Subject: Extending Gnome Storage
- Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 13:09:46 +0100
Hi Seth,I'm currently in my final year at the University of Manchester. For my final year project I would like to extend Gnome Storage so that users of different interests can retrieve information that is relevant to them. For example there are technical writers, testers, developers, managers, people who work in service and sales, who might be interested in files about a new product. However, the files required will be quite different. Example developers might be interested in the actual code of the product; while persons in service are only interested in manuals on how the product should be used, and troubleshooting guides; persons in sales only care about the benefits of the new product, hence they are only interested in charts on predictions on success of product. The project aims to solve this problem by allowing persons of different backgrounds and interests to only retrieve files relevant to them.Here are the list of my objectives:1) To extend Gnomes Storage so that files and people have attributes, which can then be related to each other. For example people and files will have attributes of manager, developer, tester, sales etcetera. When a person is added to the system, they will be asked to rate what attributes of files they would be most interested. Hence when they do a search for a type of file they will be given files that most closely meet their criteria. When a person creates a file initially that file will have the attributes to the same level as that of the creator.
2) To have the attributes of files vary with use of the system. This will allow association between files to be varied. For example if technical persons open a file frequently, the value of the technical attribute of that file will go up. Also if it is noticed that another file is frequently opened after that file, then its technical value will also go up, but by a smaller amount than the file opened first. As a result first file becomes associated with the second file, due to their technicality. And will be the first two files returned to a technical user.
3) To create GUIs to allow users to easily manipulate files and attributes.Do you think this is a good idea? Also could I please get a current stable version of the code to work with?Thanks,Ayodele Forde
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