[Shotwell] Deleting using Debian Wheezy repo

Clint Rogers clinton at yorba.org
Fri Apr 12 00:42:43 UTC 2013

Hi again,

One minor thing to note - because we rely on GPhoto to do the actual
work of communicating with a camera, if GPhoto can't delete an image
from a particular device, than neither can we, so this may not work
equally well on all devices.

On 11/04/2013, Clint Rogers <clinton at yorba.org> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>> Is there any improvement in latest versions with emptying the wastebasket
>> in Shotwell?
> As luck would have it, we've been having some discussions about
> profiling and optimization here recently, and although no work was
> done directly on moving to the trash as such, I can tell you that
> we're currently focusing on exactly the type of performance problem
> you've noted.
> I wonder if it's something akin to the performance problems detailed
> in http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/979...
>> Which brings me to real use cases with Shotwell and suggestion for
>> impovement
>> Its typical with modern DSLR cameras to fire off hundreds of shots. 99%
>> will be deleted before any processing.
>> Suggestion #1 : allow "delete" from the preview image in the shotwell
>> app.
> This makes sense; I'll ticket it right away.
>> Suggestion #2 : allow complete bypass of the slightly convoluted
>> wastebasket.Simply put the original image directly in the trash can or
>> "hard delete" immediately depending on a setting. No DB access at all.
> If I'm understanding this correctly, rather than have Shotwell's
> internal wastebasket as a tier above your desktop's, you'd rather just
> use your desktop's wastebasket directly.  A setting seems like it
> might confuse some less-savvy users - would it be better to have, say,
> Shift+Delete or holding Shift when adding something to Shotwell's
> trash?  (This key combination seems to be fairly common among other
> Linux programs, does about the same thing, and, as such, would be
> least likely to negatively surprise or confuse people.)
> Either way, though, I'll add a feature request for an insta-trash as
> well, and we can talk about the UI as we work on it.
>> This will also not leave the user sat there for 15 minutes twiddling the
>> thumb
> This seems like the crux of the matter here - simply trashing a group
> of files should NOT take terribly long, and while there is going to be
> a little per-file overhead, as you might expect, we feel that it could
> be far better than it is at the moment.
>> Thanks a lot
>> Except for the long delay in wastebasket and frequent freeze when writing
>> metadata (at 99%)
> Are you on the version that comes with a new install of Wheezy by
> default (0.12.3)?  Metadata writing should be dramatically improved in
> 0.13 and beyond; if you're seeing this in something later than 0.12.x,
> then it's a regression, and we'd like to know about it.
>> its generally a joy to use shotwell. Keep up the good
>> work.
> We do try, and it's exactly these kinds of compliments and words of
> encouragement that make it worthwhile.
> Thanks for bringing these issues to our attention.
> Cheers,
> -c
> --
> ---------------------------
> "I don't know what (b² - 4ac) equals, and I don't care," Tom said
> indiscriminately.

"I don't know what (b² - 4ac) equals, and I don't care," Tom said

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