[Shotwell] Unable to upload video to Picasa (because it's too large)

Lucas Beeler lucas at yorba.org
Mon Apr 1 18:50:51 UTC 2013

Hi Thomas,

> I can see a number of feature
> requests/bugs in this behaviour
> so I'm not sure how to report it.

When the publishing subsystem was first written several years ago, we
ignored limit checking. That said, we should be doing this now that
publishing in Shotwell is mature. I've ticketed it here:


On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Thomas Novin <thomas at xyz.pp.se> wrote:
> Hello
> Just was about to upload an album to Picasa. Somewhere along the task
> it failed. This is from shotwell.log:
> L 6110 2013-04-01 20:24:58 [WRN] RESTSupport.vala:167: Publishing
> error: Service http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/xxxx/albumid/5861940469430831585
> returned HTTP status code 413 Request Entity Too Large
> L 6110 2013-04-01 20:24:58 [WRN] RESTSupport.vala:168: response
> validation failed. bad response = 'Video file size exceeds 104857600'.
> I can see a number of feature requests/bugs in this behaviour so I'm
> not sure how to report it.
> 1. Why try to upload files that are too big to begin with? Maybe
> per-plugin settings which limits this.
> 2. The error presented to the user isn't very user-friendly.
> shotwell.log was even better (said what the maximum size was).
> 3. After this one failed file, why not continue and upload the rest?
> 4. After the error, I have no idea on the progress except for looking in Picasa.
> Rgds//Thomas
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