[Shotwell] Unable to upload video to Picasa (because it's too large)

Thomas Novin thomas at xyz.pp.se
Mon Apr 1 18:42:37 UTC 2013


Just was about to upload an album to Picasa. Somewhere along the task
it failed. This is from shotwell.log:

L 6110 2013-04-01 20:24:58 [WRN] RESTSupport.vala:167: Publishing
error: Service http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/xxxx/albumid/5861940469430831585
returned HTTP status code 413 Request Entity Too Large
L 6110 2013-04-01 20:24:58 [WRN] RESTSupport.vala:168: response
validation failed. bad response = 'Video file size exceeds 104857600'.

I can see a number of feature requests/bugs in this behaviour so I'm
not sure how to report it.

1. Why try to upload files that are too big to begin with? Maybe
per-plugin settings which limits this.
2. The error presented to the user isn't very user-friendly.
shotwell.log was even better (said what the maximum size was).
3. After this one failed file, why not continue and upload the rest?
4. After the error, I have no idea on the progress except for looking in Picasa.


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