[Shotwell] Shotwell 0.12.2 released

Laura Khalil laura at yorba.org
Wed Apr 11 21:55:46 UTC 2012


We're happy to announce the release of Shotwell 0.12.2. This is
primarily a bug-fix release.

Several of the bug fixes include:

- Fixed a display corruption bug that occurred when navigating away
from camera pages.
- Optionally display a progress bar in the Unity sidebar.
- Clarified several strings.
- The application now recovers gracefully from corrupted tag data.
- Updated help documentation.

You can download the Shotwell 0.12.2 tarball here:


Shotwell 0.12.2 will be available for Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) users
soon in the Yorba PPA: https://launchpad.net/~yorba/+archive/ppa


Laura Khalil
Production Engineer
Yorba Foundation

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