Re: Windows windows stay on top

This is a X configuration problem (and you are running X on windows, not on the linux machine). So try looking at the Exceed configuration differences between you and your colleagues.

p.s. why doesn't this list change the reply-to field to be the list instead of the individual? most other lists do (at least the ones that I am on).

robin crook quadrics com wrote:

I am running sawfish on a linux machine with the display set to
a PC running Windows NT with Exceed as the X server. My problem is that the Windows windows - ie. Microsoft Outlook and my browser always stay on top. Clicking the X windows does not bring them to the top. This means I have to iconise the Outlook or browser
windows all the time and this is a pain.  Colleagues who run the
same setup don't have this problem but we can't find out what it
is about their setup which is different - I've tried copying their
.sawfish files but all to no avail.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Robin Crook
mailto:robin quadrics com
Quadrics Ltd, One Bridewell Street		Tel: +44 (0)117 9075383
Bristol, BS1 2AA, UK				Fax: +44 (0)117 9075395
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       Dan Gregory
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