Virtual Desktops

Haveing just rebuilt an old Reshat 7 system on RedHat 9, I'm trying to get
back all my old functions.  I'm used to haveing 4 viewports, with the desk
switcher divided in 4, and being able to drag windows between the 4 ports.

If I set 2x2 viewports in .sawfishrc , I can drag windows, but the desk
switcher only shows one at a time.

If I set 4 workspaces, the switcher divides, but I can't drag windows
between them.

Is there a way to get both ?

It really seems like RedHat 9, or Gnome 2, or both, has big steps backwards.

Chris Candreva  -- chris westnet com -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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