Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [PATCH] Use more icons from icon theme + defaultto gnome icons

On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 17:01 +0200, Jaap Haitsma wrote:
> 1. By default the gnome art is used instead of the bluecurve art. See [1]

I think the best option would be to use stock art where possible, and
just have one piece of art for the rest. Which would mean looking at
both the old and bluecurve art, figuring out which we want, and dropping
the other one.

> 2. rhythmbox-paused.png, rhythmbox-playback-error.png and 
> rhythmbox-playing.png are now picked up from the icon theme

Those look fine to me.

> 3. The playing indication column (i.e. the first column) now correctly 
> changes to paused. This was broken

Looks good.

> Only doubt I have about the patch is the following call:
>    gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET(view->priv->treeview));
> After pausing or playing the icon in the playing indication column needs 
> to be updated. Only solution I found was to do a redraw of the whole 
> treeview. This is probably not the most efficient solution.

The following should work:

if (view->priv->playing_entry) {
  rhythmdb_query_model_entry_to_iter (view->priv->playing_model,
        view->priv->playing_entry, &iter);
  path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (
        GTK_TREE_MODEL (view->priv->playing_model), &iter);
  gtk_tree_model_row_changed (
        GTK_TREE_MODEL (view->priv->playing_model), path, &iter);
  gtk_tree_path_free (path);

> Jakub, now there are only 4 icons left in rhythmbox:
> 1. rhythmbox-tray-icon.png
> 2. rhythmbox-set-star.png
> 3. rhythmbox-unset-star.png
> 4. rhythmbox-no-star.png
> If you push these in gnome-icon theme, Rhythmbox will be fully themeable 
> :-) and no compile time options to set the art will be needed.

As I understand it, themes should already be able to override
Rhythmbox's icons, because they are handled with a GtkIconFactory. I'm
fairly sure I've seen themes that override the tray icon, at least.

I think there was some discussion a while back, about how having
different sized stars for set and unset would be better for people with
bad vision. That would suggest using the newer art for the stars,
although I'm not personally a fan of bright yellow. Which of the two
tray icons would be better, I'm not sure.


James "Doc" Livingston
Klein bottle for sale. Inquire within.

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