Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] 0.60 is 0.5.3!!!

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 10:01, Robert Van Gorkom wrote:
> Not the correct source version!
> I was excited to see that rhythmbox had a new and improved release. I
> was curios to see if bugs i have submitted were resolved. I downloaded
> the source from the website, compiled and installed it myself. I was not
> too impressed with the program since it did not seem to have changed at
> all. Upon futher investigation I noticed none of the features stated in
> the new features list from were included. I then
> noticed the about menu of Rhythmbox says its version is indeed 0.5.3. 
> I would like indeed to try rhythmbox out again. Please fix this soon.

May I suggest that you are actually running the older version, and not
the new version?

I've just downloaded the tarball of 0.6.0 and sure enough it claims to
be 0.6.0 inside the source.

Ross Burton                                 mail:
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