[Rhythmbox-devel] compile troubles on powerpc


If I try to compile rhythmbox on powerpc I get the following compile error:
rb-shell-player.c: In function `rb_shell_player_next':
rb-shell-player.c:799: parse error before `*'
make[2]: *** [rb-shell-player.o] Error 1

Looking at the file it seems that RBNodeView is set unecessarily

static void
rb_shell_player_next (RBShellPlayer *player)
	RBNodeView *songs = rb_source_get_node_view (player->priv->source);
	RBNode *node;
	if (node == NULL) {
		/* If repeat is enabled, loop back to the start */
		if (eel_gconf_get_boolean (CONF_STATE_REPEAT)
		    && rb_shell_player_have_first (player, player->priv->source)) {
			rb_debug ("No next node, but repeat is enabled");
			RBNodeView *songs = rb_source_get_node_view (player->priv->source); 
  <----  This is line 799
If I remove that line then it compiles and repeat seems to work fine 
(trivial patch attached)


Index: shell/rb-shell-player.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/rhythmbox/shell/rb-shell-player.c,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41 rb-shell-player.c
--- shell/rb-shell-player.c	19 May 2003 22:33:11 -0000	1.41
+++ shell/rb-shell-player.c	24 May 2003 18:41:34 -0000
@@ -795,9 +795,8 @@
 		/* If repeat is enabled, loop back to the start */
 		if (eel_gconf_get_boolean (CONF_STATE_REPEAT)
 		    && rb_shell_player_have_first (player, player->priv->source)) {
-			rb_debug ("No next node, but repeat is enabled");
-			RBNodeView *songs = rb_source_get_node_view (player->priv->source);
-			node = rb_node_view_get_first_node (songs);
+		  rb_debug ("No next node, but repeat is enabled"); 
+		  node = rb_node_view_get_first_node (songs);
 		} else {
 			rb_debug ("No next node, stopping playback");
 			rb_shell_player_set_playing_source (player, NULL);

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