Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] GUI default size --

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 22:12, Joshua Haberman wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 18:12, Colin Walters wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 14:33, Joshua Haberman wrote:
> > > The startup druid correctly only appeared once.
> > 
> > In that case, I am not sure what's going wrong.  What are the values for
> > /apps/rhythmbox/state/window_width, /apps/rhythmbox/state/window_height
> > and /apps/rhythmbox/state/paned_position?
> 702, 263, and 109.  And they change every time I exit if I set it in
> different ways.  The problem appears to be setting these values on
> startup.

Hmm.  Those values seem pretty reasonable (well, the height seems rather

> One other bit of information that I really should have mentioned
> originally: on every startup, I get the errors
> "Failed to register the shell: (null)" in the terminal and
> "Failed to activate the shell: (null)" in a textbox.
> >From my limited understanding of bonobo, I would guess that this is
> attributable to the chroot and not having a bonobo-activation server
> running.  Unfortunately I don't know how to remedy this.

You're not running gnome-session?  If you aren't, then yeah,
registration isn't going to work.  If you are, but you're installing rb
in a different prefix than bonobo-activation, you'll need to symlink the
.server files.  Here's how I have things set up:
walters@columbia> l /build/rb/lib/bonobo/servers/*
-rw-r--r--    1 walters  walters      9023 2003-08-11 13:41 /build/rb/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Rhythmbox.server
-rw-r--r--    1 walters  walters      3844 2003-08-11 13:41 /build/rb/lib/bonobo/servers/Rhythmbox_Nautilus_Context_Menu.server
walters@columbia> l /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/*Rhythmbox*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           51 2003-07-14 22:25 /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Rhythmbox.server -> /build/rb/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Rhythmbox.server
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           67 2003-08-01 00:44 /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/Rhythmbox_Nautilus_Context_Menu.server -> /build/rb/lib/bonobo/servers/Rhythmbox_Nautilus_Context_Menu.server

> > Also, does help at all?
> I'm not at leisure to try this right now, sorry.  If you think this has
> a reasonable chance of fixing the problem, I'll try it at some point.

It's definitely possible, I did fix up some stuff relating to the paned
just before

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