Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] prereleases

It looks pretty solid to me. If I were you, I might suggest waiting
until the treeview fix is in CVS, though, since otherwise it's going to
make a pretty lousy first impression on anyone running gtk CVS. 


On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 14:53, Colin Walters wrote:
> Hi,
> So today I fixed up a lot of the delete and library reloading problems
> that had been bugging me.  rb is starting to feel fairly solid for me. 
> There might still be bugs though, and I really want to find those before
> a real release.
> What do people think about starting to put out prereleases for slightly
> wider testing, e.g. rhythmbox  Are there any bugs that people
> think are blockers?
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