Re: Creating the 2.14.0 modulesets

On 3/13/06, Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can someone in an appropriate timezone create the 2.14.0 modulesets and,
> maybe, post something on the planet or send a mail to get a lot of
> smoketesting love?

If no one else wants to, I'll do it.

> Also, do we want to upload libxklavier 2.2 to the GNOME ftp?

It appears that it hasn't received testing[1], so maybe we shouldn't
bother uploading or using it for now?


[1] We didn't ship with it in our tarball modulesets, garnome uses an
older version too, Fedora also uses 2.1 according to;
Ubuntu doesn't appear to use it according to google searches on
" libxklavier" which is what I normally use to
find their patches to metacity or other packages -- did I miss any
other significant testers of 2.13.x tarballs?

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