Re: evolution-data-server

Oops, this should never have been committed to this branch. Sorry for
this breach. This commit was unintentional and should never have
happened. I have reverted back this change. Shall be more careful in the
future. Sorry for the trouble.

-- Sarfraaz

On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 15:08 +0200, Martin Willemoes Hansen wrote:
> There has been an unannounced string freeze breakage in the string
> frozen evolution-data-server for gnome-2-10.
> 1 new fuzzy string has been added.
> #: ../camel/providers/groupwise/camel-groupwise-store.c:270
> #, fuzzy
> msgid "Host or user not available in url"
> The relevant part of the log for camel-groupwise-store.c seems to be
> this:
> revision 1.44
> date: 2005/05/06 04:25:26;  author: sarfraaz;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
> 2005-05-06  Sarfraaz Ahmed <asarfraaz novell com>
>         * camel-groupwise-store.c : A typo. Fixes 272503. 
> 	Patch submitted by Thierry Moisan
> No warning had been given in advance for this addition. GNOME is in
> string freeze, which means that prior announcement and approval of
> string changes and string additions is needed, as described on
> I suggest that this change should be reverted from the string frozen
> branch. If people disagree with that, then I would like to hear some
> motivation on why this change is considered important enough to break
> the freeze and why it cannot wait until the next development cycle.
> Best regards

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