Re: glib and pango 2.10 in GNOME 2.14?

On Thu, December 1, 2005 11:05, Murray Cumming wrote:
> Can the release-team please confirm the glib and pango versions that will
> be in GNOME 2.14? It looks like there will be a glib 2.10 and pango 2.10
> in time for our schedule, but not a GTK+ 2.10.

If the schedule of glib 2.10 and pango 1.12 (I think this is the version
you're wondering about) is compatible with ours, then I see no reason
to not use them.

I can't find a release schedule for glib & pango, though (although
Matthias sent a mail on d-d-l telling he wanted this to happen,


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