Re: Suggestions for API/ABI Process

<quote who="Murray Cumming">

> I've seen lots of discussion about libgnomeprint* not being in the
> Platform and none about it being in the Platform. Furthermore, we removed
> libgnomeprint 1.11* (sometimes called libgnomeprint 2.0) from the GNOME
> releases and replaced it with libgnomeprint 2.2. That would have been
> totally incompatible with the Platform which was widely understood to be a
> promise to keep supporting its APIs, even including such funky stuff as
> libbonoboui.

There was a lot of hand-wringing and tooth-gnashing about that change, but
it was done early and with enormous encouragement from the maintainers.

- Jeff

GNOME Summit 2005: October 8th-10th
   "I came for the quality, but I stayed for the freedom." - Sean Neakums

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