Re: Translation status for proposed modules

tis 2004-12-07 klockan 01:09 +0100 skrev Danilo Šegan:
> > Proposed modules that are in GNOME CVS and support translation
> > (more testing needed though):
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > gnome-backgrounds, gnome-doc-utils, gnome-keyring-manager, gnome-menus,
> > gnome-schedule, goobox, gwget, libgnomesu, nautilus-sendto, totem
> I'd move gnome-doc-utils and gnome-menus to "desktop": they are new
> modules in a sense, but they're introduced as dependencies of Yelp
> and Gnome Panel (respectively), so they've already passed the
> "proposed" procedure, and are automatically "accepted". 
> Is that all right with you?

Good point. Formally, no new modules have been accepted yet though, If I
understand the situation correctly. That means that there is still at
least a theoretical chance that any of these new proposed modules be
rejected. That is, even though some other modules have started depending
on them -- it just means that those modules will later need to go back
to a version where they did not have those dependencies.

Even though I suspect that this is unlikely to happen in this case,
we've had some situations like that in the past IIRC, so I think the
safest thing to do is to keep all proposed modules in the "proposed"
group, until the formal module decisions are final.


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