Planner-list Task units - displaying tasks under 1h

  Im currently using planner to manage micro plans in critical paths
during some IT infrastructure projects, we are asked to plan to the
command level. As you can imagine my task duration are under 1h.

 Although I can enter 30min or such and its honored, I can't make
planner display the start and finish cells with date _and_ time. 

 I'm not a developer but after peeking in the code
(planner-cell-renderer-date.c) It seems that displaying date and time is
not possible yet. 

Is there any workaround for this?

Thanks in advance
Matias A. Vidal Pereyra - Synchro-Technologies Argentina S.A.
Cel: +54 911 4087 0468
Oficina: +54 11 5353 1234

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