Re: [Planner] FAQ: Don't get planner working with database support

Ulrich Wiedemann wrote:
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to set up planner on a SuSE 9.1 Prof System.

I compiled from source (planner-0.12.1.tar.gz, configured with --enable-database=yes). The database (PostgreSQL 7.4.6) is located on a remote system. I do have remote database access through psql -h <server> plannerdb.
Whatever I try, in planner I get "Connection to database 'plannerdb' 
failed.". There is no output, when I start planner from a terminal.
How could I track this issue down? Any comments are appreciated.
If I'm not mistaken, there was a bug in that version that made planner 
always connect to localhost.

Imendio AB,

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