[Planner] Undo report status

Hi guys!

Here goes the undo report status.

1. Gantt chart view:

1.1 Menus

File and Edit doesn't need undo.

	1.1.1 Zoom in 		KO
	1.1.2 Zoom out		KO
	1.1.3 Zoom to fit	KO
	1.1.4 Highlight. crit. 	KO

	1.1.5 Insert Task	OK
	1.1.6 Insert Tasks	KO (we need to do it) - acs
	1.1.7 Remove Task	OK 
	1.1.8 Link tasks	OK
	1.1.9 Unlink tasks	OK
	1.1.10 Indent task	OK
	1.1.11 Unident task	OK
	1.1.12 Move task up	OK
	1.1.13 Move task down	OK
	1.1.14 Reset constraint	OK
	1.1.15 Edit task prop.	OK

	1.1.16 Manage Calendar  KO (to be done)
	1.1.17 Edit day types	OK
	1.1.18 Edit proj. phas. OK
	1.1.19 Edit proj. prop. OK (only calendar is missing)

1.2 Toolbar

	All the toolbar buttons are shortcuts to the menu entries so
the results are the same as in 1.1

1.3 Direct manipulation

	1.3.1 Linking tasks	OK
	1.3.2 Changing duration KO - acs
1.4 Right button menu
	1.4.1 Insert task	OK
	1.4.2 Insert subtask	OK
	1.4.3 Remove task	OK
	1.4.4 Unlink task	OK
	1.4.5 Assign resources 	OK
	1.4.6 Edit task		OK

2. Task view:

2.1 Menus

	All the menus are the same as in 1.1 except Actions

	2.1.1 Edit custom properties	OK (not undo when inserting the data for
the new property)

2.2 Toolbar

	Shortcuts for 2.1

2.3 Direct manipulation

	2.3.1 Editing fields for a task	OK 

2.4 Right button menu

	The same as 1.4.

3. Resources view:

3.1 Menus

File, Edit and View don't need undo support for their commands.

	3.1.1 Insert resource		OK (it seems it need more love)
	3.1.2 Insert resources  	KO -acs
	3.1.3 Remove resource   	OK
	3.1.4 Edit resource properties	OK
	3.1.5 Edit groups		OK
	3.1.6 Edit Custom properties	OK
Project: is the same as 1.1.16 -> 1.1.19 
3.2 Toolbar

	Shortcuts for 3.1

3.3 Direct manipulation

	3.3.1 Edit resource fields	OK

3.4 Right button menu

	Shortcuts for 3.1

4. Resource usage:

4.1 Menus

	4.1.1 Zoom in		KO
	4.1.2 Zoom out		KO
	4.1.3 Zoom to fit	KO

Actions: (empty)

Project: is the same as 1.1.16 -> 1.1.19

4.2 Toolbar

	Shortcuts for 4.1

4.3 Direct manipulation

	No direct manipulation at all

4.4 Right button menu

	4.4.1 Edit resource		OK (the same as 3.1.4)
	4.4.2 Expand all resources	KO (is working??)
	4.4.3 Collapse all resources	KO (is working??)

As you can see, we have done a great work and it is very near to be
finished. I have put my name in the "KO" I plan to work in.

Also we have a bug in the gantt chart drawing that we need to solve.


If you want to help, they are clear points in which to work:

1.1.1 -> 1.1.4 and 1.1.16. 

And also, you can help testing all the things following this report and
reporting bugs.


-- Alvaro

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