Re: [Planner] Resource dependencies

tis 2004-01-06 klockan 17.32 skrev Waldemar Augustyn:

> Similarly, the Planner would not be resolving resource allocation 
> problems by itself.  Instead, it would offer a tool for the user to do 
> it on demand.  For example, the user could select a set of tasks, then 
> hit a button to spread out the load in some pre-determined manner.  It 
> could be as simple as going in the order of tasks (It would actually 
> make sense, since tasks tend to be entered in the expected order of 
> execution).  There could be different buttons indicating different types 
> of action.  The result would be a creation of dependencies as if entered 
> by hand, i.e. the Planner would not be re-calculating the resource 
> allocation rules.

I have been thinking something along the lines of this too for a while.

One way to do it could be to have task dependencies that planner sets
up, and are handled exactly the same as manually added ones, but they
are displayed differently to indicate that they are added to even out
the resource load. I think a very simple algorithm could be very helpful
(like you say, just spread tasks out, according to line nr ordering and
the task priority property). 

What do people think of that? It should be a pretty straight forward
task if anyone is willing to help out.


Richard Hult                    richard imendio com

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