Re: [Planner] Questions/suggestions

Mikko Harjula wrote:

I just found Planner.  Thank you for this great program!

I am now working to map my project specifics into Planner.  First I
entered all project meetings as subtasks but soon noticed that this
will result in serious problems.  I cannot have the actual work use
the time left over from meetings.

Then I switched to entering meetings into the calender as
non-working-time.  This approach seems to work ok.  However it is a
bit awkward to me that project meetings cannot be seen as project
task.  Is it planned in the future to be able to manage periodic or
repeating tasks?  Another idea might be to subtract the time used for
fixed time tasks from the working hours.

Yes - meetings or other periodic project coordination work isn't
handled directly by Planner. I'm thinking of two things here that
may solve this - I'll post my ideas to the planner/planner-dev lists.

I think that the past time and the future time would benefit from
somewhat different handling.  The current behavior of Planner seems to
focus on tasks in the future compartment.  Currently if I planned to
work on a task 50% but have actually managed to work only 25%, then
how do I fix this?  I cannot set different "commitment percentage" for
different time periods.  For tasks in the past I would like to enter
the hours actually worked for each task.

Ah - actuals verses planned ! This isn't handled yet by planner.
Deviation from a baseline and being able to show project/task slip
is an important feature that would be ideal to add to planner.

Probably not too hard either - just save a baseline (copy current
start/end/work/duration etc to "baseline" variables for each for
each task and then continue.

If a person then changes actual task allocation to 25% and it shifts
the times then delta between baseline and actuals could be displayed
or reported on.

Lincoln (a new Planner hacker).

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