Re: [Planner Dev] Planner and evolution data server integration

Brian P. Skahan wrote:
On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 19:55 +0200, Alvaro del Castillo wrote:

Imagine that each resource could see the status of her tasks just seeing
the clock applet. Integrating planner with evolution data server not
only integrates it with Evolution, but also with the clock applet and
any other application that can be a client for a evolution data server

The other area that could benefit from e-d-s integration is resource
management - being able to add resources to a project from a list
generated by the addressbook and being able to add resources to the

Yes - this is why I was thinking that if we split out the address/contact
details of a resource then it allows simpler updating of that data....
from LDAP, vcf or stuff like e-d-s etc.

We ned to keep the special Planner stuff separate from whats normally
available as contact details on vcards and the like.



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