Re: Inlined functions

> Weird.  From the man page:

RMS doesn't like man pages (he wants info stuff) so traditionally
not much effort has been put into keeping them up to date.

I believe what happens is that when a static function is
only used once or when it is "sufficiently simple", then it
will be inlined.  I think this was introuced when gcc went
from dealing with one function at a time to dealing with a
whole file at a time.

I was just poking around with gdb on gnumeric, and this
inline is a bit of a pain, actually.  Some functions that are
factored out to make the code understandable (hah!) have
been inlined and gdb refuses to set a breakpoint in them.
Breakpoints at line numbers work, though.  (See the file
gnumeric/src/sheet-autofill.c if you really want.  The largest
of these functions -- fill_item_new -- is 90 lines long.)

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