Re: Help with core dump

Nick Glencross wrote:

I shall give that a go in the morning. I have been experimenting with simpler examples, and it looks like as soon as I start submitting the Object pointer to a thread through a queue that things break. I am attaching the example for anyone that would like to see what I've been doing.

What I've done (perhaps incorrectly) is have a method spawn the thread which waits for a task to be submitted (where the task is simply another Object pointer, which is duplicated as I believe that it should be). The thread then simply invokes 'ping' on this Object, which is where it dies.

I've added your code as a test under test/cpp/threading. I've modified the names in the IDL to make it a little clearer (to me if no-one else) what is going on. I've changed the code from using glibmm to just plain old glib. I was worried the problem might be in the mm code but it isn't. More importanly I don't want to make orbitcpp depend on glibmm (at least not for this test).

I think problem lies in there being a method call in a different thread from the run loop. Because if the ping is done in the main thread there is no problem. I'm going to post this problem on the orbit-list and see if anyone there has some ideas.

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
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