Re: orbitcpp idl backend & --onlytop

Bowie Owens wrote:

I have checked in some more changes to orbitcpp. This adds support for inhibited exceptions. Unfortunately, it doesn't deal with anything but interfaces and exceptions very well. So the following which uses struct's and typedefs of primtive types fails.
I have checked in some more modifcations to improve the support for 
inhibited inclusion. Most of the basic types should work, plus 
exceptions and interfaces. Structs, unions, sequences, enums, and arrays 
won't work. Those who are interested in this, please update to the 
latest in CVS and give it a try.
Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
phone  : +61 3 9545 8055
fax    : +61 3 9545 8080
mobile : 0425 729 875
email  : Bowie Owens csiro au

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