Re: orbitcpp idl backend & --onlytop

On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 08:17:33AM +1000, Bowie Owens wrote:
> It is a bad idea to modify the generated files. The easiest thing to do 
> is to create two extra files: B_some_suffix.h and In 
> the .h file include all the necessary header files and and in the .cc 
> include the foo headers and the So something like:
> #include "foo-cpp-common.h"
> #include "foo-cpp-stubs.h"
> #include "foo-cpp-skels.h"
> #include ""
> #include ""
> #include ""
> Then compile and link in B_some_suffix.o rather than B-cpp.o. You will 
> have to do the same thing for the .c files as well.
> I realise this is a bit of extra work, but you should only have to do it 
> once. Plus it gives you complete control over the inclusion mechanism.

that sounds like a fair enough compromise.

	thanks again, 

Robert Melby
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
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