Re: orbitcpp and orbitcpp's integration

Cuteanu Victor wrote:

 Hello Mr. Owens,

Thanks very much for your email.
First I have to say you that I don't know which is the difference between ORBit and orbitcpp.
Ok, I know that orbitcpp is for C++ language.
A quick intro to the technologies. ORBit implements the CORBA C language bindings. It implements most of the CORBA 2.4 spec and is a fast, lightweight ORB for local or network communication. The latest version is 2.9.0 (I think, I haven't upgraded for a little while). orbitcpp implements the C++ language bindings using the C language bindings. As such the generated C++ code is just a wrapper for the C code. The latest version of orbitcpp is now 1.3.8.

Also I don't know which versions should I use. Here I have to say you that im am using RedHat 7.3, maybe its important.
ORBit and orbitcpp can be built and installed on a variety of operating systems. I tend to use GARNOME for building.

Regarding header files, it is clear for me that I have to use them.
But I don't know how to generate my own makefile and program with orbitcpp.
No documentations in this way I found.

Except the documentation is slightly out of date. Change the variable definitions to:

CFLAGS=`pkg-config ORBit-2.0-cpp --cflags`
LDFLAGS=`pkg-config ORBit-2.0-cpp --libs`

Additionally for orbitcpp IDLOUT needs to also include (where X is the basename of your IDL file).

First I would like to make a simple independent orbitcpp example , and just after this works to envolve KDE in this problem...

Could You help me in this way ?
Definitely start by looking at the beginners documentation:

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
phone  : +61 3 9545 8055
fax    : +61 3 9545 8080
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email  : Bowie Owens csiro au

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