sequence implementation


I have just checked in a bug report regarding the implementation of sequences of enums.

Included in the bug report is a patch that implements IDLEnum::get_seq_typename.

I have been trying to put together a similar patch to implement sequence of sequences.

However, I am stuck because I am not sure what types I should be using for the member type/sequences. I have attached a patch which shows my current changes to the orbitcpp-1.3.5 source. Any direction on where to go from here would be appreciated.

Bowie Owens

CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
phone  : +61 3 9545 8055
fax    : +61 3 9545 8080
mobile : 0425 729 875
email  : Bowie Owens csiro au

diff -r -C 3 ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/ ./orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/
*** ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/	Thu Feb  6 07:48:28 2003
--- ./orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/	Wed Mar 26 11:04:07 2003
*** 66,68 ****
--- 66,94 ----
  	return result;
+ string
+ IDLEnum::get_seq_typename (unsigned int      length,
+ 			       const IDLTypedef *active_typedef) const
+ {
+ 	string retval;
+ 	char *tmp = 0;
+ 	char *traits = g_strdup_printf(IDL_IMPL_NS "::enum_seq_traits< %s, %s, CORBA_sequence_%s, TC_CORBA_sequence_%s>",
+ 				       get_cpp_member_typename ().c_str (),
+ 				       get_c_member_typename ().c_str (),
+ 				       get_c_member_typename ().c_str (),
+ 				       get_c_member_typename ().c_str ());
+ 	if (length)
+ 		tmp = g_strdup_printf (IDL_IMPL_NS "::SimpleBoundedSeq< %s, %d>",
+ 				       traits, length);
+ 	else
+ 		tmp = g_strdup_printf (IDL_IMPL_NS "::SimpleUnboundedSeq< %s >",
+ 				       traits);
+ 	g_free (traits);
+ 	retval = tmp;
+ 	g_free (tmp);
+ 	return retval;
+ }
diff -r -C 3 ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/IDLEnum.h ./orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/IDLEnum.h
*** ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/IDLEnum.h	Thu Feb  6 07:48:28 2003
--- ./orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/IDLEnum.h	Tue Mar 25 10:32:57 2003
*** 58,63 ****
--- 58,66 ----
  	std::string discr_get_cpp_typename () const {
  		return get_fixed_cpp_typename ();
+ 	std::string get_seq_typename (unsigned int      length,
+ 			       const IDLTypedef *active_typedef) const;
diff -r -C 3 ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/ ./orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/
*** ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/	Sun Mar 16 00:38:36 2003
--- ./orbitcpp/idl-compiler/types/	Wed Mar 26 11:56:51 2003
*** 407,413 ****
  IDLSequence::get_seq_typename (unsigned int      length,
  			       const IDLTypedef *active_typedef) const
! #warning "WRITE ME"
--- 407,436 ----
  IDLSequence::get_seq_typename (unsigned int      length,
  			       const IDLTypedef *active_typedef) const
! 	string retval;
! 	char *tmp = 0;
! 	std::string c_member_typename_base = get_c_member_typename (active_typedef);
! 	std::string::size_type pos = c_member_typename_base.find('*');
! 	g_assert (pos != std::string::npos);
! 	c_member_typename_base.replace(pos, 1, "");
! 	char *traits = g_strdup_printf(IDL_IMPL_NS "::enum_seq_traits< %s, %s, CORBA_sequence_%s, TC_CORBA_sequence_%s>",
! 				       get_cpp_member_typename().c_str () ,
! 				       c_member_typename_base.c_str (),
! 				       c_member_typename_base.c_str (),
! 				       c_member_typename_base.c_str ());
! 	if (length)
! 		tmp = g_strdup_printf (IDL_IMPL_NS "::SimpleBoundedSeq< %s, %d>",
! 				       traits, length);
! 	else
! 		tmp = g_strdup_printf (IDL_IMPL_NS "::SimpleUnboundedSeq< %s >",
! 				       traits);
! 	g_free (traits);
! 	retval = tmp;
! 	g_free (tmp);
! 	return retval;
diff -r -C 3 ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/orb-cpp/orbitcpp_simple_seq.h ./orbitcpp/orb-cpp/orbitcpp_simple_seq.h
*** ../orig/orbitcpp-1.3.5/orbitcpp/orb-cpp/orbitcpp_simple_seq.h	Sun Feb  9 00:16:01 2003
--- ./orbitcpp/orb-cpp/orbitcpp_simple_seq.h	Wed Mar 26 11:04:23 2003
*** 179,184 ****
--- 179,198 ----
  	    _length = new_length;
+     template <class CPPElem, class CElem, class CElemSeq, CORBA_TypeCode seq_typecode>
+     struct enum_seq_traits {
+ 	typedef CPPElem value_t;
+ 	typedef CElem c_value_t;
+ 	typedef CElemSeq c_seq_t;
+ 	static c_seq_t* alloc_c () {
+ 	    return (c_seq_t *)ORBit_small_alloc (seq_typecode);
+ 	}
+ 	static c_value_t* alloc_c_buf (CORBA::ULong l) {
+ 	    return (c_value_t *)ORBit_small_allocbuf(seq_typecode, l);
+ 	}						
+     };
  } // namespace _orbitcpp

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