RE: simplifications

> From: Bowie Owens [mailto:bowie owens csiro au] 
> Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> >Actually I tried it yesterday evening and libbonobomm built with the
> >orbitcpp from cvs without problems. Maybe you fixed something in the
> >meantime?
> >
> Not me. It looks like libbonobomm has changed in CVS since 
> the version 
> 1.3.5 (which is what I was using). Some of the changes took out the 
> references to the stub classes.

Can you point me to the changes in cvs via a lxr/bonsai URL?. I am having
some strange problems with libbonobo*mm - it doesn't seem to build the
widgets. It might be unrelated.
> >I'll try to look at that bug with the testcase soon.
> >  
> >
> If you have time, I'd appreciate that.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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