Re: Bowie Owens is my hero


First let me join Murray in praising Bowie. Like I've already said in
my Advogato diary, it's amazing how fast you sometimes go from bug
discovery/report to patch.

On Wed, 9 Apr 2003, Bowie Owens wrote:

> No problem. I have recently been given an account on GNOME CVS. So Gergo 
> if you would like me to check in my patches, just let me know which ones 
> you approve of and I will commit them.

Great news, I wanted to bring this up (getting a GNOME CVS account for
you) for long but never when I was actually near a computer:)
As for the various patches in Bugzilla, I can't say I really throughoutly
test each one before checking them in, but I do glance them over, which
takes some time, hence the delays of sometimes whole weeks. Also, as you
have probably seen with my replies, sometimes a bug report or a patch
makes it clear that there's another related issue lurking around, and I
like to investigate them there and then, to at least be able to jot it
down in Bugzilla.

Of course, with trivial things like e.g. sequence::get_buffer(), feel free
to check in one-liners like these, the ChangeLog should be enough of a
record of the change.

> >P.S. Gergo is also quite heroic.
> >
> Definitely.

Thanks, I just wish I had the time (and, some days, the inspiration) to
work on this as much as I want to.


   .--= ULLA! =---------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \     \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
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