orbit and implementation repository


I am not sure whether I am writing to the right list as this question is
partly TAO too but the problem that I am facing is when using the orbit
perl bindings. The situation I have is initialising CORBA::ORB_init. In
the case of a C++ client for the program to connect with the
implementation repository (IMR) I pass "-ORBDefaultInitRef
corbaloc:iiop:localhost:6666/" depending where my IMR is running. In
orbit perl bindings this does not seem to work. I have created a simple
perl program to show how I am trying to do it, which I am attaching with
this mail. What am I doing wrong in the code?  Is this possible to be
achieved using Orbit/perl?

Can anyone help me?


use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Error qw(:try);

@CorbaHelper::ISA = q(Exporter);
@CorbaHelper::EXPORT_OK = q(startup testFactory findFactory findServer
			    getSessionFactory doLogin 
			    setNode getNode getSession setSession 
			    setSessionFactory findNamingService
			    getOrb getNameRoot getNodeList load_idl);

use CORBA::ORBit idl_path => "$ENV{ATEBUILD}/include/source:$ENV{ATE}/include:$ENV{ATE}/include/orbit:$ENV{ATE}/include/ate/broadcast:$ENV{ATE}/support/include:$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/orbsvcs:/blah -D__ORBIT_IDL__",
                 idl => [
			 qw( CosNaming.idl

use vars '@ARGV';
@ARGV = ("-ORBDefaultInitRef","corbaloc:iiop:localhost:6666/");
my $orb = CORBA::ORB_init(@ARGV);

my $ret;
my $ior = "NameService";

$ret = $orb->string_to_object($ior);


print STDERR $ret;

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