Networking ORB's

Hi All,

Q: I need to get a client call and servant implementation on two
different machines, and looking at the CORBA spec's this could happen
without a ORB bridge if the ORB's are considered to be in the same
domain and by using GIOP/IIOP.
Basically I need to find out what must happen on the client side (Client
side using ORBit2) and what must happen on the server side (Serve side
using ORBit2) in order to have the client calls react the same as with a
local-orb call.

I have looked far and wide for any documentation on networked ORB's
using ORBit2, but couldn't find anything.

I was hoping that someone could give me pointers to resources on this,
provide examples etc.

Any help would be appreciated.


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