A few queries about Orbit2


I would like to try some hands on CORBA using Orbit2. Before I go ahead and install the same, I would appreciate if I get answers to following queries - 

1. Is it necessary that I have gcc compiler? Which version of gcc is required.
2. Do I have to have root permissions to build and install Orbit.
3. Can I build Orbit2 statically (or I get an already built version)? If yes, How?
4. Is it possible that I build my application statically for Orbit2 (this means that if I run file command on my client and server executables, it would show me that files are statically linked)? If yes, how.
5. If I want to run the application only in a single threaded environment, how can I do that? How to set up that configuration? Will it show any linkage (or use) pthread libraries?
6. Is it must that I need glib-config version 2.0.0 to install Orbit2? Is there any other way to install Orbit?

Thanks in advance,


Yateen V. Joshi

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