memory leak problem and convert question


this is the function of my service. The printf-command works fine but why do I
always gat a memory leak error at the "return retval;"-command? What did I wrong?

static CORBA_string
impl_CORBAZeitTest_Pong_pingpong(impl_POA_CORBAZeitTest_Pong * servant,
                const CORBA_char * data,
                CORBA_Environment * ev)
 CORBA_string retval;

  /* ------   insert method code here   ------ */

 retval=(CORBA_string) data;

  /* ------ ---------- end ------------ ------ */

 return retval;

it was generated by orbit-idl-2 --skeleton-impl. except the lines between insert
and end.

And a second question: Are there any functions to convert CORBA_octet to string
,int or long long? The CORBA_octet is only a container at the moment.So I'll try
to not to use 3 fundtions.

Thanks a lot in advance


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