Re: Solving a Memory Leak Problem...


On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 20:28:33 +0100, Craig McDaniel wrote:
>    table = Table__alloc();
>    table->_buffer = Table_allocbuf(2); // 2 rows
>    table->_length = 2;
>    table->_maximum = 5;

There should be:
	table->buffer = Table_allocbuf (table->_maximum);

_length:  Specifies the number of filled items.
_maximum: Specifies the number of allocated items.

> Pretty simple, but obviously if this function is called multiple times
> by the client, the allocated memory is not released. What is the best
> solution for freeing this memory after it has been passed to the
> client? 

	CORBA_sequence_set_release (seq, CORBA_TRUE);
	seq->_release = CORBA_TRUE
	CORBA_*_set_release (ptr, CORBA_TRUE);

> Also, I can't find much documentation on programming multi-dimensional
> sequences. Are there any best practices I should know about, or is the
> above code acceptable (except for the leak problem)?

What about 
	table = ORBit_sequence_alloc (TC_Table, rows * columns);

where you can use cells addressing by

	table->_buffer[(row * columns) + column]

You would have to reshuffle the items in the case of changing the table size
dynamically by ORBit_sequence_set_size() but I do not expect you need to do it.


Jan Kratochvil; Captive: free r/w NTFS Filesystem;

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