Re: Interoperability of Orbit2


>	Do you get the same problems if you rename s/Value/Vu/ everywhere ?
>still, since the wire data looks just fine, and you're not getting '0's
>but strange random numbers back, perhaps it's unlikely.
Yeah still some problems. But here, setVu seem to work and not replaceVu 

>p15861 : ([0x8050c78])->setValue (0xe0)[080508A0] setValue called : 224 
>	This line is printed out from: orbit-small.c:741 or so
>(tprintf_trace_value). If it's wrong by there - it's never going to be
>right when it's pulled out.
>	So I think if you can get a breakpoint into the method just before we
>do the do_demarshal_value, and print out the 'buf->end - buf->cur', that
>would be most interesting. It's possible we're overrunning the buffer
>somehow - which would be most concerning.
>	If you could send that, with the ORBIT2_DEBUG=giop:traces trace
>intertwined - it'd be most interest
I added

fprintf( stdout, "recv_buffer->end - recv_buffer->cur : %d\n", 
recv_buffer->end - recv_buffer->cur );

Just before the do_demarshal_value.

The result is at

And there is a -3 which is bad ...

Thank fo your help
     Sylvain Munaut

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