Re: [Evolution-hackers] gtkhtml - composer not starting ...

Michael Meeks wrote:
>         we need the following:
>         a) Stubs that during invocation will not re-enter
>         b) Stubs that during invocation will re-enter
>         We also would like to be able to delay server side request processing
> until idle, here the requirements fit closer to an extra POA policy as
> you suggest - but for the fact that we do not want the policy to apply
> to all methods ( eg. ref / unref / queryInterface ) - but to a sub-set
> of methods.
>         I imagine it might be possible to do something grotesque that would
> lookup methods by name, and provide a custom OA ( with a big API, a
> secondary method lookup, or somesuch ) to achieve the latter goal - but
> it seems unnecessarily complicated to me.

I'm reading this via the orbit list, which just now got cc'd for
the first time.  Can you point me to a good description of
the problem?  (I bet it's nested component callback hell :-)


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