the c++ 'Hello World' app works with the orbit-cpp-cactus

So, here's my detailed status report, after I've finally had the time
today to immerse myself in ORBit/C++ to hook up my changes -- changes that
slowly constitute a near-half rewrite.

First of all, the most easy-to-try thing: the Hello World demo runs again,
and seems to work without problems. Bar indentation problems, the
generated sources should be readable and generally nice.

Lots of stuff using the old IDL compiler API is still left in
idl-compiler/cpp/types, if you look at the you'll see these
are not compiled. So, the list of compiled modules should give you an idea
on what's implemented and what's not. IDL elements that should work (both
as arguments and as exception members) are:
	Atomic types (incl. boolean) -- tested
	Objects -- not really tested as arguments/return values
	Enumerations -- not tested
	Strings -- tested

Next thing I will do, is to first test the untested portions of what's
implemented so far, then implement structs and typedefs.

I'm confident the current design is workable, as opposed to my
hacks-upon-hacks in the cpp branch, since it's not littered with the
assumption that you can reinterpret_cast a C++ stub to get a C stub.

   .--= ULLA! =---------------------.   `We are not here to give users what
   \     \   they want'  -- RMS, at GUADEC 2001
    `---= =---'
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