Re: gnome from rh7.3 with afs

Hi Andreas,

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 16:40, Andreas J Guelzow wrote:
> I have just gone through the same trouble. What you might be missing is 
> that if you are using tcpwrappers (ie have active hosts.allow/deny 
> files) you need to give orbit access to the right machines. 
> Unfortunately nobody seems to know the right daemon name for orbit so I 
> am using ALL : ALL which of course disables hosts.allow completely but 
> makes gconf work.

	The problem is - that I have no idea where the 'daemon name' comes
from. How is it created ? is this a Unix wide standard 'stdmnnme ()'
syscall ? or is it a 'known port' mapping table somewhere

	Ultimately a known port approach cannot work with ORBit, since it's per
user and the user can't steal a known port - otherwise no other user
could use it ;-) [ that is unless, we had some sort of badly performing
muxing proxy solution ].

	So I really don't understand what you want,



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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