Re: newbie: Shared Memory (What makes Orbit fast ?)

On Thu, 2001-11-01 at 15:27, Juergen Fuhrmann wrote:
> Hi there on the orbit,
> I am  currently evaluating  ORBs for a  possible use in  a distributed
> numerical simulation environment. 
> * Orbit is  described to be  fast on intra-machine  communication. How
> this goal has been achieved ?
> * Is it possible to use shared  memory transport, are there plans ?  I
> looked up the sources and did  not find SystemV IPC (TAO uses this but
> the source tree is huuuuge...)

I've tried the TAO UIOP and SHMIOP protocols, and on Linux found the
unix domain sockets worked better for my application.

I think the SHMIOP protocol from TAO still follows the GIOP marshalling
rules, so you still incur the cost of an encode and decode (although you
do save the cost a copy of the encoded stream). For SHM to really shine
you would need a protocol that does no marshalling.


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