Structures and objects allocation

Hi everybody,
I'm Alessandro and I'm working at a middleware for IPC with ORBit for my thesis:
it's the first time I have to face with CORBA and I'm really finding a lot of problems.
Please help me!
With C mapping, sequences contain a var _buffer that needs to be allocated, and
the idl compiler produces a function to do this: xxx_allocbuf(len).
But: if I have nested sequences, the more external allocbuf() calls all the other internal
Is it the same with deallocation? To deallocate I have to set the release flag to true
and then call CORBA_free(): with nested sequences is it recursive? Or I need to set
directly all the flags and call all tha CORBA_free()?
And more: if the sequence is a sequence of Objects, to deallocate all the structure
is it enough to call CORBA_free or should I do something else?
Thanks for the patience,

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