Re: I know this must be a FAQ, but...

On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Gareth Boden wrote:

> If I have, say, a User (CORBA_Object) with a 'primary key' of "fred" (i.e.
> a user record for a user called "fred"), then I want to be able to
> retrieve a reference to the SAME object, no matter how many times I call
> UserFactory_find("fred"). To that end, I was originally storing an object
> reference to the User in a GHashtable, keyed by the string "fred", then
> returning that object reference on all calls to find("fred"). But that's
> no good, because when you return the object reference it gets released by
> the skeleton (as ownership passes to the client) and then the next time
> you return it an error occurs. So my problem really is what to store in
> the hashtable and how to return it, not how to key it.

	Oh right. So when you're returning the reference
CORBA_Object_duplicate it ?

Good Luck,

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