Re: perform_work, pending_work, can't work when blocking

FWIW, I concur.  Elliot, is there anything that could be done to make
you amenable to incorporating threading into ORBit v2?  I would hate
to see Sebastian have to continue to go through this...

Todd Lewis                                       tlewis secureworks net

  God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even
  though I think it is hopeless.          - Admiral Chester W. Nimitz

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Sam Couter wrote:

> Sebastian Wilhelmi <wilhelmi ira uka de> wrote:
> > ORBit2 uses the glib main loop and I will port ORBit-mt to ORBit2 once
> that is
> > released. Then it maybe is merged back into the main line again.
> Does this mean that ORBit2 isn't being developed as a multithreaded ORB,
> but
> instead will need extra work to make it multithreaded?
> If so, what are the chances that a multithreaded ORB will become part of
> the
> mainstream ORBit development? Considering the shortcomings of the CORBA
> spec
> concerning asynchronous operations and the need for such operations in a
> lot
> of cases (GUI applications, for instance), I think it'd be silly to not
> have
> multithreading high on the list of priorities.
> -- 
> Sam Couter          |   Internet Engineer   |
> sam topic com au    |   tSA Consulting      |
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