Re: JacORB IOR not understood by ORBit

Try the command ior-decode for instance. But take care ! there
is a bug causing a error when printing the port number.
The source is in ORBit/test/ior-decode.c The variable port
is should be CORBA_unsigned_short .

Try echo-server, echo-client and your Java versions of these programs.
Check your environment : /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.allow, ...

I'm working with ORBacus, IBM jdk1.3, Slackware kernel 2.2, 2.4
and now ORbit and ORBacus can cooperate in a simple environment.

Unfortunately, it seems impossible to achieve this under Gnome because
of the security features.


Jean-Paul Le Fèvre * CEA Saclay DAPNIA/SEI * Mail : Jean-Paul LeFevre cea fr

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