generation of perl server and client from idl

I am a new user of CORBA::ORBit (perl), and I found it very nice ---
everything I have tried work as advertised.

I was wondering if there is a tool that would generate perl server and
client given the idl. This would use default values as appropriate. This
would also serve as a template for futher development. As a part of the code
generation process it would be nice to have a file, where xxx
is the idl module name. This file would hold methods that would return
references to structs with default values. For example:
Given an idl file xxx.idl as follows:
module xxx
       struct A {
            int i;
            string str;
        struct B {
             string str;
        interface Hello
                void echo (in A a, out B b);

The file would have:
package xxx_types;
sub A

sub B
Now a client perl pgm could use these as follows:
use xxx_type;
my $xxx = $orb->string_to_object($ior);

my $a=xxx_types::A;
my ($b)=$xxx->echo($a);

The object implementation code on the server side would look some thing like
use xxx_types;
package Hello;
use CORBA::ORBit idl => [ qw(./xxx.idl) ];
@Hello::ISA = qw(POA_xxx::Hello);
sub new 
# standard stuff here

sub echo
    my ($self, $a)= _;
    my $b=xxx_types::B;
# impl stuff here

In summary, the expectation is that all the above code would be generated
from the idl file and the developer can the go edit it as appropriate.


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