Re: WPA2 Enterprise (and other things)

On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 11:05 +0000, Jon Escombe wrote:
> Jon Escombe <lists <at>> writes:
> > I've found an issue which I think may be at the root of all this..
> > 
> > nm_ap_security_new_from_ap() appears to match on *any* of the capabilities
> > defined for each encryption type. In my case, my WPA2-EAP network was being
> > configured as a WPA2_CCMP_PSK network, due to the presence of the
> > NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA2 capability. I believe the attached patch solves 
> > this
> > problem by requiring the reported capabilities to match *all* of the defined
> > capabilities.
> > 
> > I can test further when I'm back in the office tomorrow, but I'm hopeful 
> > that is
> > what was preventing the stored credentials from being retrieved..
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Jon.
> > 
> The patch fixes the network detection, so that it's properly seen as WPA2-EAP,
> but doesn't help with my overall problem.
> nm_dbus_get_user_key_for_network() requests a key, but the callback is never
> entered.. Any suggestions for debugging this part?

See if the applet gets the key required dbus method call, the code for
which is probably in applet-dbus-info.c.  The applet is supposed (1) to
serve that info from the gnome-keyring, or (2) if it doesn't find it
there, pop up a dialog to get it.  If (1), it returns the key in the
dbus pending call, and NM's callback should be entered.  If (2), when
the user hits the OK button in the dialog, it should return the key to
NM, and NM's callback should be entered.


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